لتصفح المزيد من الوظائف إضغط هناواحة الوظائف وظائف 2023 تحديث يومي للوظائف الشاغرةوظفني

إعلان توظيف لدى مؤسسة الحسين للسرطان

إعلان توظيف لدى مؤسسة الحسين للسرطان

the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) is seeking to hire for the position Senior Coordinator at Local Corporate Fundraising and Development Department. The Senior Coordinator is for handling and running Fundraising Programs operations. Engage educational institutions and their students in the fight against cancer and provide support to patients at KHCC through organizing and leading different programs that aim to psychologically support them in line with the strategic direction and positioning of KHCF.   Minimum education requirements: bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, public relations, social sciences or administrative studies or any related field. Minimum years of experience required: 4+ years of experience in any relevant professional experience. If you are interested in applying for this job post, please send your resume in an email entitled “Senior Coordinator/Corporate Fundraising to “jobs@khcf.jo

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