لتصفح المزيد من الوظائف إضغط هناواحة الوظائف وظائف 2023 تحديث يومي للوظائف الشاغرةوظفني

اعلان توظيف صادر عن البنك الأهلي

اعلان توظيف صادر عن البنك الأهلي

اعلان توظيف صادر عن البنك الأهلي






Description Summary:Offering and providing high-quality banking services that meet customers’ requirements and exceed their expectations, marketing and promoting the bank’s products and services through direct and cross-selling to achieve the branch’s targets and increase the customer base and revenues, developing the relationship with customers and ensuring that customer files are up-to-date, and seeking to attract new customers by promoting the bank’s products and services.




Main Duties & Responsibilities: Identifying customers’ needs and meet them with the Bank’s products or services that are suitable for them.



Promote and sell the bank’s products and services and increase the percentage of cross-selling to current and potential customers in order to achieve the required targets.Handling customers’ requests/inquiries related to their accounts, products, and services professionally.

And serve customers to reach a high level of service quality.Follow-up on customers’ accounts and report any unusual movements to the concerned authorities, according to the relevant instructions.Dealing efficiently and responsibly with the custody / keys with responsibility and high professionalism as per the job’s authority matrix.





Skills Skills & Qualifications:Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Banking and Finance, Accounting or any related field.Minimum 3 years of relevant banking experience as Customer Services Officer.



Relevant communication skills.Relevant selling / promoting skills.Ability to work under pressure.




EducationBusiness Administration, Banking and Finance, Accounting or any related field.





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