لتصفح المزيد من الوظائف إضغط هناواحة الوظائف وظائف 2023 تحديث يومي للوظائف الشاغرةوظفني

اعلان توظيف معلمات و معلمين في مدرسة كبرى

اعلان توظيف معلمات و معلمين في مدرسة كبرى

We are now recruiting the following positions

for the next academic year (2023/2024):

– High school Assistant Principal
– KG Assistant Principal
– Math Teacher (High School)
– Physics Teacher (High School)
– Chemistry Teacher (High School)
– English Teacher
– Business & Economics Teacher (High School)
– French Teacher
– Librarian
– Social Counselor

**Educational Experience is required.
Qualified candidates should submit their application through to recruiting@mas.edu.jo


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